Sunday, August 22, 2010

We Will Be Blue If We Are Not Careful to Not Speak Falsehood, nor Mislead for the Sake of Kindness!

Often we have all heard the phrase "Oh, that was only a white lie."

However, falsehood is always false and never can be interpreted as truth.

When anyone tells a lie to not hurt another person's feelings...we actually hurt them far worse than speaking the truth.

First, even those we think are not very smart or lack intelligence, they still recognize when they are being lied to!

Not in every situation will they know the truth that they are being deprived of, but they recognize when they have been lied to.

All that is derived from one's lie is not shielding anyone from pain, but inflicting the pain of fear and distrust in both the speaker who "told a white lie" best
but chances are their trust possibly in many around associated with that speaker who were once are suspected...

And now the person whose feeling one thought he were sparing becomes skeptical and leery of everyone within the same circle of friends or associates.

Associates is a far more appropriate word, for anyone who tells one lie..another is coming out quick behind it to cover the first.
So it is impossible for a habitual liar to have true friends because to have a friend one must be a friend... and how can a habitual liar ever be loyal to even his friend.

Those who must hide behind masks do so because their true selves are not acceptable.  They have no true friends, but only those who are their partners in deceit.

And where are such folks leading HIS little ones?

We are all being watched by someone... someone who may be lost; someone who is searching.  We are all being copied having someone to many following our foot steps.....

To where are your choices leading others to the same you have chosen.....  To Heaven...or to Hell!

We never need to be choosing to speak only truth and never compromising who we are in HIM...Let all fall where they may...for no one is liked by all and we are better off allowing the wicked to come forward exposing themselves with their opposition.

The only deadly enemy is the one whom we cannot see or when they expose themselves with their outlandish outbursts....  REJOICE!!!  And get ready to laugh at their destruction!  (Job5)

Sing new songs and you'll never be blue...Fur you have HIM and HE has you!



Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Hello Munns!! Let us not be discouraged by the mundane of today!

 Hello Munns!! Let us not be discouraged by the mundane of today

Hello There Gorgeous Smiley Sisters and Brothers, Mothers and Fathers and all others!

Whether you have a cold or flu....  

The doggies are losing their hair and the vauums stay too clogged to suck up...

Don't let your self be dragged into doom and gloom....

Nor let "Da Blues Come to you!"

For HE never has nor never will use or install voice mail.... and when we give away our bright SonShiney Smiles from early morn till dusk...

We need not ever complain nor fuss for HIS JOY Raises us daily! 

And when we choose HIS better and best part in every situation  and lead and teach others to do the same...

We become both Esthers and Jacobs and Giggly Wiggly Leaders too too too!

I Love You...  And HE Loves you too!
