Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Have You Ever Felt Alone and Isolated In Spite of Efforts of Kindness?

This is an evil age demanding all things except for righteousness.

Have you found your choices to reject sin and call those whom you call friends to a higher level of FAITH & righteousness?

We are all called to live a sinless life and often in order to keep our own consciences pure and clean....when others refuse to take correction when corrected privately, then with another sister or brother....and correction then required in front of an assembly of many still does not bring about a proper and positive change in a sinner's behavior...such a person scripture says must be cut off and treated as an unbeliever.

Though those who allow such a person to continue in their sin against them are not showing them mercy...
On the contrary condoning ones despicable sinful behavior is owning that man's sin...

For scripture instructs us to "DISPEL ALL EVIL FROM OUR MIDST"
Guilt by association it is also called in some places.

It is very hard to endure the loneliness of a righteous life....Jesus even said so!

They tried to kill HIM several times....trying to toss HIM off the cliff because in HIS presence HIS perfection made them see their own sinfulness next to HIM....Their flesh hurt!

Jesus however in HIS isolation never compromised HIS position with anyone in order to be liked and accepted.

HE went on to say that HE has come not for unity but division...mother against daughter, father against son.....friends will no longer be friends but foes!

As Mother Angelica has always said:  "We are all....every one of us called to be GREAT SAINTS!!  
We who accept loneliness and isolation instead of compromising with evil...

Those who open their mouth to not let an evil one abuse or run over HIS little ones with his position, power or authority...those who speak out when others fail in their duties to the distress and oppression over HIS little ones....

These shall be raised by GOD they shall receive their crown for their tears...To you, all of you I say:  "Hold ON to HIM...it's not much longer...Hold onto HIS peace which surpasses all understanding!"

We, however, who accept and embrace isolation and loneliness for HIS righteousness sake...shall be great saints...

 Jesus is going to arrive possibly the next time you take your car out for a drive...or as you walk through your neighborhood up or down the street to tomorrows senior lunch club meeting....you may find yourself meeting Our Lord Jesus Christ for your last time.

Those HE finds  compromising HIS Gospel or Commandments so that they can eat free lunch again and again without as many bumpty bruises ...battle scars for HIS righteousness...

Will find themselves sifted off from the wheat and thrown in the fiery furnace...
In spite of possibly living right their entire lives until these end times....

Scripture says that even some theologians will not get into heaven because they become weary and fail to feed a hungry one or give cool water, not tepid to a thirsty dying one as they are too busy about many things they think are for GOD...

This world as we know it shall not be much longer...

HE is coming back so very soon...

Through the ages many to most have compromised their beliefs and their own standards in order to keep peace in groups they want to be in.

What I have never been able to understand, is why does anyone desire to be a part of a group who's attitudes and choices are below and not equal to or above one's own.

All of our mommas said every day as we grew up:  "The grass is greener on the other side" meaning why choose to want only what you cannot have?

Why not embrace where we are and what we have been blessed with with joy, FAITH and gladness.   It could always be worse so many mommas in the neighborhood would say...

None of us can stand or walk in both realms at once.  No one can serve two masters either...you will love one and hate the other....

So sister...brother...why go back and forth between what is right and wrong.  
Why even try to stagger in both realms at once...  You certainly will not enjoy being chased down by HIS MIRACLES!

Our Lord Jesus said: "If they hate ME they will hate you!  So we rejoice with the apostles that our lives, love FAITH and commitment is worthy of their hatred for HIS Name sake!

We are not ever blue but wear blue SING SING SING NEW and you will be joyous too!